white passenger plane on airport during sunset

New Article: Insights into Australians’ Travel Behaviors and Attitudes

Escape Survey Uncovers Aussies’ Travel Secrets

According to a recent survey conducted by Escape, Australia’s largest travel brand, it has been revealed that dishonesty is prevalent among Australian travelers when it comes to seeking flight upgrades. Approximately half of the respondents admitted to either lying to secure an upgrade or considering doing so. Almost 40 percent of the participants confessed to being tempted to deceive, while 12 percent confessed to claiming special occasions like wedding anniversaries or birthdays in order to snag freebies.

Insatiable Appetite for Travel

Australians have long been known for their love of travel, and this survey highlights their resilient and adventurous spirit. Paul Ryan, CEO of Inspiring Vacations, an Australian-owned tour operator, remarked that Australians possess an insatiable appetite for travel and are always on the lookout for valuable travel experiences.

Travel Secrets and Darker Motivations

The Great Escape Travel Survey also brought to light some intriguing insights into Australians’ travel behavior. It was found that approximately one-third of the respondents had encountered scams while traveling abroad, ranging from overcharged taxi fares to falling victim to bogus visa deals. Moreover, it seems that many Australians exhibit a different side of their personality when cruising, engaging in activities they normally wouldn’t on land, such as indulging in excessive eating, striking up conversations with strangers, and daring to dance in public.

Preferences and Bucket-List Destinations

When it comes to domestic travel, Australians displayed a strong inclination towards certain destinations. The Northern Territory emerged as the most desired location, closely followed by Queensland. Notably, Uluru, a significant cultural landmark, was specifically mentioned as a bucket-list goal by 10 percent of the respondents.

Embracing Affordable Holidays

Affordable holidays seem to resonate with Australians, as six in ten survey participants admitted to trying camping as a budget-friendly travel option. Grant Wilckens, Chief Executive of G’day Group, Australia’s largest holiday park owner and operator, acknowledged that camping appeals to various demographics, catering to different budgets.

Unveiling Travel Revelations

The survey also delved into some unique travel behaviors and attitudes. Half of the Gen Y and Gen Z travelers agreed with the sentiment that “it’s always cocktail hour somewhere.” Furthermore, two in five women confessed to having no qualms about ordering a morning margarita at the airport, even before 10am. Packing habits also varied among different groups, with women tending to pack one pair of underwear for each day of their trip, while men and baby boomers were more likely to include a few pairs of underwear and wash them on the go.

Discovering the Untold Truths

Escape’s Editorial Director, Kerrie McCallum, expressed the desire to uncover Australians’ genuine travel behaviors and attitudes, including those aspects that individuals might be hesitant to admit to friends and family. The initial results from the preview survey have already unveiled Australians’ tendency to resort to dishonesty, particularly for the chance of securing an upgrade, making the anticipation for further revelations from the survey even greater.

For the opportunity to win $2000 cash, participate in The Great Escape Travel Survey until June 23 by visiting onescape.com.au/survey.

Originally published as “Escape survey reveals one in two Aussie travellers has lied to get free flight upgrade” on news.com.au